This website and the resources offered here are made possible by Christians from across Canada who have personally experienced the love and grace of God through faith in Jesus Christ.

These Christians come from various denominational backgrounds. However, all believe that true and lasting hope is found only in God through a personal spiritual relationship with Christ.

Christians do not profess in any way to be perfect people. However we all are humbled at the awesome privilege of having met the one who is perfect, Jesus Christ, the Son of God. As we get to know Him better day by day, it is easy to accept the truth that He is the Way, the Truth and the Life.

We also share the conviction drawn from the Holy Bible that it is God’s desire that everyone everywhere have the opportunity to know who Jesus Christ is and then have the opportunity to know how to become a follower of him.

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We encourage you to get to know other followers of Jesus, and we can help you find a church in your area.

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Learn more about Jesus

To help you know more about Jesus, we are happy to send you free resources.

The 7 Days with Jesus book next to the Finding the Hope book.