An overhead shot of a whiteboard desk. On the whiteboard, somebody has written: Is there a difference between your plan and God's plan for your life?

I was not sat­is­fied in my life and was search­ing for mean­ing and real­i­ty of our exis­tence in this world. I used to think, Why I am here and where will I go from here?

I used to think, Why I am here and where will I go from here?

I was not sat­is­fied in my life and was search­ing for mean­ing and real­i­ty of our exis­tence in this world. I used to think, Why I am here and where will I go from here?

One day a gen­tle­man vis­it­ed our home. He shared the sto­ry of God, the cre­ation of the world and mankind. He told how man had sweet fel­low­ship with God but then fell into sin, and ever since then Satan has been try­ing to deceive and enslave mankind.

He also shared that man is search­ing in vain for mean­ing in life by doing good or bad deeds. But man can­not be saved by his efforts. This sound­ed as if God had sent him to me to con­vey that God loves me. We became friends and I shared that I was search­ing for mean­ing in life by prac­tic­ing witch­craft. He helped me to under­stand the dan­gers of play­ing into the hands of evil spir­its. I asked him to pray for the sal­va­tion of my soul. He led me to con­fess all my past evil deeds and asked me to receive God’s sal­va­tion through Jesus Christ. I did, and I felt a strange peace in my heart.

Now I am learn­ing more about this new life in Christ. I am also shar­ing my expe­ri­ence with oth­ers. Real­ly, God loves sin­ners and he is ready to for­give them. He can change the life of any person.

— Adi­narayan

Other Life Stories

A man dresses to impress with a fancy suit and watch

With a col­lege degree, a good job as an accoun­tant, an ample salary and won­der­ful wife and fam­i­ly — what more could any man want? I had all of these, yet I was not happy.

A woman has a dream

One night I had a dream, and when I woke up…I prayed and asked God to show me what the truth real­ly was.

A bird flies outside a man's prison cell.

I am Mohamed, and I want to thank God for what He did in my life while I was serv­ing a three-year prison sen­tence in a max­i­mum-secu­ri­ty prison.

An hourglass

After her death I became a drunk­ard and I lost every­thing. Con­stant­ly on my mind was the ques­tion, If I die, where will I go?” I knew that one day I must face death like my wife. I did not have an answer to the question.

Bottles and bottles of liquor in a bar.

I grew up with many prob­lems and much con­fu­sion. Alco­hol had been for years my way to escape from the prob­lems, but after the effects of alco­hol are gone, the prob­lems are still there.

A person flips the pages of a Bible.

I stud­ied sci­en­tif­ic athe­ism and was taught that God does not exist. Still I felt like some real­i­ty was pur­pose­ly being hid­den from me. Lat­er I real­ized what it was.

Two girls sit in front of a lake with a mountain view.

I’m a teenage girl liv­ing in a small vil­lage. After I received some lit­er­a­ture… I start­ed for the first time in my life to think about God.


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